The Schermer Molens Foundation is dependent on a large number of subsidisers and sponsors to maintain the mills. They raise a lot of money every year, so that the mill complex can be maintained.
The Schermer Mills Foundation is proud of the mill complex and would like to share that feeling with as many sympathizers as possible. Over the years, a file of donors has been built up who support the mills.
As a friend of the foundation you pay a donation of at least € 20.00 per year.
Individuals who want to leave money to the foundation can do so with confidence. Schermer Molens Foundation is a Public Benefit Institution (ANBI), which makes it fiscally interesting to donate money.
Would you like to financially support the Schermer Molens Foundation? Fill in your details below to become a friend. A one-time contribution is also very welcome.
As a friend you will receive the magazine De Molenpost and our digital newsletter four times a year.
Yes, I will be Friend of the mills.
Fill in the form below and we will take care of your registration.
You can transfer your contribution to: NL59 RABO 0357 9007 66 in the name of Schermer Molens Stichting , stating your name. This way we can process your payment correctly.